Mini Spinach Frittatas for My Mini-Me

A few months ago I posted a mini meatball recipe that I make and freeze for Lucas.  These meatballs are great for a quick lunch or dinner, plus they’re a great way to sneak in some veggies!

As I was making Lucas scrambled eggs a few mornings ago I was wishing there was a simpler way to get breakfast ready for him.  One that resulted in less dishes to wash would be awesome too!  Then I remembered a Rachael Ray episode I saw a while ago where she used a mini muffin tin to make a bunch of different things (none of which were muffins).  I also remembered seeing a bunch of pins on Pinterest that had to do with making egg muffins and freezing them.  Since D hates eggs I never gave them much thought but now it seems like such a brilliant idea.

And so my Mini Frittata recipe was created!

Mini Spinach Frittata Recipe


6 large eggs

4 TBSP milk

Handful of spinach, shredded

1/4 cup cheddar cheese

1/8 tsp garlic powder

Pinch of salt


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees

Spray your mini muffin tin with cooking spray or butter

In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs and milk

Add in the spinach, cheese, garlic powder and salt and stir to combine


Add 1 TBSP of the mixture to each of the muffin cups


Bake for 13 minutes and then remove the eggs from the pan immediately to cool.  They will deflate as they cool.

Arrange on a baking sheet and freeze for about 2 hours and then transfer to a freezer bag and store in the freezer for up to 3 weeks.

When it’s time to eat, just pop them in the microwave for about 30 seconds and they’re ready to go.

Mini Frittatas

Honestly, I was kicking myself for not thinking of this sooner.  Lucas LOVES them and he’s getting a veggie in with breakfast.  Plus, they make the mornings that much easier!  I think I’m on a mission to come up with even more freezer meals for Lucas – anything that saves me a few minutes in the kitchen adds a few minutes to playtime with the little guy!

Want even more great recipes, DIY ideas and kid craft projects?  Check us out on Facebook.

For The Record 04.25.14

So I’ve been a little MIA recently.  Between my in-laws visiting a few weekends ago and my family being here last week we’ve been busy.  Add in Easter and it’s been a little nutty!  But we’re back and here’s a look at what’s been going on with us (even though it’s not Friday anymore!).



 1. Favorite Picture of the Week

So I’m cheating a little.  This isn’t a photo but it might be the most adorable Easter Egg hunt ever so I’m giving myself a pass.  It’s also probably not the best Easter Egg hunt ever, but I think it’s pretty amazing.

2. What TV show are you addicted to right now?

All I’ve been watching recently is Parenthood.  I just finished the second season and am wondering why I’m just now watching this show.

3. What Book(s) did you read this week?

I read The 9th Girl by Tami Hoag last week and really loved it – I even stayed up until almost midnight one night reading!

4. Something funny/awesome that happened was…

We had a great Easter with my family.  Lucas LOVED looking for eggs (as seen above) and loved the gifts the Easter Bunny left for him.

5. Something not so awesome that happened was…

I did something to my neck.  I think I have a pinched  nerve or something because I am in a lot of pain!  I even went to the chiropractor who was able to help but the soreness is still there when I wake up.  I’ve been using some essential oils though and they seem to be making a difference.

6. The best dinner you had this week was…

Can it be brunch?  Our Easter brunch was fabulous!  I want to go back for Mother’s Day.


Our little family celebrating Easter.

7. Plans for the weekend…

 We finally hit up the Farmer’s Market on Saturday morning.  We also need to get the bed in the front yard cleaned up and flowers planted.  Other than that, I hope it’s a relaxing weekend (even though it’s almost over!).

How was your week?  Go On the Record in the comments below and don’t forget to Like Us on Facebook!

For The Record 04.11.14

And here is what’s going on this week!


 1. Favorite Picture of the Week

I was looking through old photos for a #TBT and National Siblings Day post on Facebook and came across this gem from a long time ago!  We were on our way to Disney World so I’m not sure why I have that face – I’m guessing I didn’t want my picture taken?

On way to Disney

2. What TV show are you addicted to right now?

I’ve hardly watched any TV this past week – I’ve been doing a bunch of reading.  My IL’s are also coming this weekend so I’ve been spending my evenings cleaning, which means no time for TV.

3. What Book(s) did you read this week?

I’m still reading the  Kingdom Keepers series by Ridley Pearson.  Although I got a TON of books for both Lucas and myself at the book sale this past weekend that I’m excited to read.

4. Song you can’t stop listening too

Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus.  It’s shameful, I know.  But it’s a guilty pleasure!

5. Something funny/awesome that happened was….

We scored a ton of great books at the book fair this past weekend.  I got so many great Christmas books for Lucas’s Advent Countdown and they were all so cheap!

6. Something not so awesome that happened was….

Lucas has found a new love for blackberries – and I have found new stains all over EVERYTHING because of it.  Any tips on getting blackberry stains out of clothes would be much appreciated.

7. Favorite blog post you posted or came across this week…

Again, I’m not sure what I did this week but I can’t remember having time to find any great blog posts!  I’ll try and find two things for next week!

8. The best dinner you had this week was…

I made a GREAT burrito bake with homemade red enchilada sauce.  Look for the recipe soon!

9. Plans for the weekend….

My IL’s are coming for the weekend.  It is also the annual Azalea festival here, which is a huge celebration including a big street fair, so hopefully we make it out to that at some point.

How was your week?  Go On the Record in the comments below and don’t forget to Like Us on Facebook!

DIY Menu Board

So I may be a tiny Pinterest obsessed.  I pin so much, but hardly ever follow through (unless it’s food – I make a lot of Pinterest recipes!)

One of the first things I pinnned when I joined several years, a new house and a baby ago, was a dry erase menu made out of a picture frame.  I pinned it so long ago that I actually cannot find the pin anymore.  I feel like my DIY skills have really matured since then so I could probably try it on my own – and yes, there was a touch of sarcasm in that last sentence!

We had a wall in our new kitchen just begging for something like this so I began the hunt for frames to use – man are big frames expensive!  Then I had a brilliant idea, check out a consignment shop for an old print.  Ten minutes and $6 later I was headed home with this:


And I ended up with this:

DIY Dry Erase Menu Board Tutorial

I was even able to do most of it during nap time – since paint takes a while to dry, I can’t consider it a one-nap project, but it’s pretty close!

Here is what you’ll need:


Spray paint




Hot glue gun

Ruler or measuring tape

2″ permanent stick letters

1/2″ permanent stick letters


I forgot to include the spray paint since it was already waiting for me out in the garage!

First things first, remove the backing from your frame (I had to use a knife and cut tape and pry up staples, just be careful if you have this type of frame, but remember no one will see the back.

Second, use a good spray paint (one that includes a primer) to paint the entire frame.  Remember to stay in a well ventilated area (I use our garage with the door open) and to allow it to dry overnight.  If you’re going to need a second coat, read the instructions on the can, but most say to apply the second coat within one hour or after 48 hours.


While I was waiting for the paint to try I took some extra fabric I had, ironed it (the worst part in my opinion), and measured and cut it to fit the print in the frame.


I used the glue gun to secure the fabric as I wrapped it around the print.  Putting the print side to the back was a must for me since my fabric was lighter and the print a little dark.  I also tried to make the corners as tight as possible, since it was already a tight fit in the frame.


Here is an close-up for the corners:


Then I took the 2″ letters and applied them to spell Menu at the top of the fabric covered print.  What’s For Dinner would also be a super cute header in my opinion!

Next I measured out the spacing for the days of the week. Mine were about an inch apart, but make it even spacing depending on how big your frame is.


After getting the first day applied, I put the first letter of the remaining days down as a placeholder and I think it made this step a little faster!

At this point it became a waiting game for the frame to dry, but after that it was time to put everything together.

I gave the frame a glass cleaning with some cleaner and then started the assembly process  – glass, then fabric covered print and then the backing.  I had to use the tape to secure the backing (mainly since I didn’t want to get the staple gun out!) but once it was all put together you couldn’t even tell!

Dry Erase Menu

I was so excited to get the menu up and meals for the week added!  I just used a regular dry erase marker to write the meals on the glass – although I do think I need a thicker one to make it easier to see!  This has definitely stopped the “What’s for dinner?” question at our house and will have a place in our kitchen for years to come.




For The Record 04.04.14

And time for your regularly scheduled segment of What We Did This Week!  I know I just did a Lucas update a few days ago but I am really trying to be consistent with posting this weekly.


 1. Favorite Picture of the Week:

Lucas and I went to the park one afternoon and he loved the swings!  This face just kills me!


2. What TV show are you addicted to right now?

Hmmmm…I started watching Parenthood recently and am really liking it.  We have a smart tv (is that what they’re called) downstairs with an Amazon Prime app on it so I can watch for free on the TV, which is awesome!

3. What Book(s) did you read this week?

I’m on the third Kingdom Keepers book, Kingdom Keepers III: Disney In Shadow by Ridley Pearson.  I’ll be honest, they’re not the most amazing written books (they are YA books) but I like being transported to WDW while I read them!

4. Song you can’t stop listening too

Listen to or singing in my head…if it’s singing in my head it’s the Doc McStuffins classic, Time for Your Check-up.  Man does Disney write some songs that just get stuck in your head!

5. Something funny/awesome that happened was….

Lucas is running!  Yes, last week he was just getting comfortable walking and this week he is running!  And climbing!  Man, did my life just get a whole lot crazier.  Darrin was also featured on the local news this week in several segments they did regarding healthcare.  It was so cute to watch how Lucas reacted to seeing Daddy on tv!

6. Something not so awesome that happened was….

We’ve had LOTS of early mornings that had nothing to do with Lucas.  Darrin had to be at the TV station at 4:45am on Monday morning and at a breakfast meeting at 7:30 on Wednesday.  I had an appointment this morning at 8:15 so I’m ready for a morning to relax!

7. Favorite blog post you posted or came across this week….

Hello inspiration!  The houses on this blog/website are so awesome!  I’m not sure how living in one would be, I bet the novelty would wear off fairly quickly but they certainly are cool to look at!

8. The best dinner you had this week was…

Darrin and I went out on a grown-up date time for the first time since our anniversary in September!  We went to Port City Chop House and O. M. Geeee.  it was so delicious.  I’m not sure if it was the food or the fact that we ate it while carrying on a conversation and not worrying about what was being fed to the dogs or thrown all over the kitchen or that it took almost two hours from start to finish but it was long overdue and much needed!

9. Plans for the weekend….

The library is having a used book sale on Saturday that I’m thinking of going to.  We also have a photo shoot with baby chicks for Easter!  I cannot wait to see how Lucas reacts around them.

How was your week?  Anything you’d like to put On The Record?  Leave it in the comments below!