Sausage and Pepper Pasta – It’s Yummy

So in case you’ve forgotten…we bought a new house and have been moving over the past week.  Moving with an 8 month old is certainly NOT something I’d recommend and I will be sharing those stories in the next week or so.

But for now, it’s on to some delicious food!

One of the first things I did was set up our kitchen.  We ate takeout for over a week and I was ready to get cooking again (our waistlines and wallets agreed!).

For those of your who don’t know, I am a huge Rachael Ray fan!  I credit her with “teaching” me how to cook and create recipes on my own.  This is one of those recipes I’ve created based on what I’ve learned watching her shows, studying her cookbooks and reading her magazine!

Sausage and Pepper Pasta (Serves 4)


1 lbs of sausage (I typically use chicken sausage and I typically buy the links and remove the casing)

3 peppers (I use one green, one red and one yellow), diced

1 onion, diced

3 cloves of garlic, minced

1tbsp tomato paste (the kind in the tube)

1/2 cup dry white wine (or vermouth – I usually use vermouth)

1 pint cherry tomatoes

1 lbs penne

Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat

Brown the sausage in a little bit of extra virgin olive oil and then drain and set aside


Add the peppers, onions and garlic and cook until soft, about 7-9 minutes


Add the tomato paste and stir for about a minute (you need to “wake” it up)

De-glaze the pan with the dry white wine or vermouth

Return the sausage to the pan and add in the cherry tomatoes


Cover with a tight fitting lid; you’ll want the heat to burst the tomatoes to make a sauce

Cook for about 15 minutes, shaking the pan occasionally to stir everything up

While the sausage, pepper and tomato mixture is cooking add your pasta to boiling water and cook according to the package instructions

If the tomatoes haven’t burst fully after about 15 minutes, use a potato masher to help them along


Before you drain the pasta reserve about a cup of the water to add to the sauce

Drain the pasta and toss with the sausage, pepper and tomato sauce, adding the reserved pasta water as need to help everything stick and serve with grated Parmesan cheese

IMG_0447Honestly, Darrin loves this dinner and so do I! It’s really filling and super delicious. It’s also pretty healthy if you use chicken sausage.  I think it’s even “entertaining” worthy – although I’d definitely use real sausage if I was making it for someone else – it browns up a little nicer.

Give it a try and let me know what you think or share another favorite recipe of yours in the comments.

What Teething Taught Me!

A few weeks ago my poor little guy was up in the middle of the night, crying in pain, from teeth.  It was honestly a pretty awful time for everyone in our house, including the dogs!  That was only his first tooth, so I know we’ve got a lot more to go – all of them causing me equal dread.

But that night, at 3:30am,  as I was cuddling my little baby while rocking him to sleep in a dark nursery and trying not to do dose off myself I realized this is what motherhood is really all about.  I sat there in the dark and started to cry a little – not because I was exhausted and not even because Lucas was in pain.  But because at 3:30am, after hours of crying and restless sleep and medicine and cold teething toys my son cuddled up close to me, let out a sigh and feel into a deep and restful sleep.

In that sleep deprived moment I realized that, even if only for a little while, I was the comfort my son needed.  I’m not going to lie, being a mom has definitely had some rough moments – watching your baby be taken away for surgery, him screaming in pain after that surgery, leaving him to go back to work, and of course teething all come to mind – but for every rough moment there are 10 amazing moments that remind me of the special gift motherhood is.

Lucas has cut another tooth since then and he has many, many more to go.  And while I hate him in pain, I will always be grateful for our first night of teething and the memory of my sweet boy finally sleeping in my arms and knowing that I was the comfort he needed.